Sunday, April 03, 2005

Pope John Paul II Remembered

Yesterday night I was watching VCD on the life of Pope John Paul II to know him more of his work, how he was ordained as a Pope and contributions made. As I watched, I really respect Pope not for his contributions but his humility and has heart for people like in Malay saying "berjiwa rakyat". And the next day, while my way to church in the morning, I heard over the broadcast in radio announcing his death. He died on April 2nd, 2005 7.37 p.m. GMT. I joined the world in mourning for his death

He was unafraid to challenge the Nazi regime and later the Communists in Poland and stood strong with President Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher when they worked together to bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union. His faith in Jesus Christ was what motivated him to speak out fearlessly about tyranny and to always defend the right to life of the unborn and those who could not speak for themselves. Though he faced many retaliations yet he stood firm in combating mafianism etc.

He was a man who played a significant role in liberating millions from the slavery of Communism and was deeply concerned about the third-world countries and the millions who went to bed hungry and had nothing but poverty in their way of life.

Pope John Paul was a man of peace; always concerned when there was physical conflict and violence. So much so that he even visited and blessed the man that attempted to murder him at one time.

He was also a man of righteousness, never wavering in his belief that the Holy Scriptures were to be obeyed in matters of morals and human sexuality. He spoke out clearly that homosexuality was not a gift from God, but could be healed through the Gospel.

He once stood up against immorality and cruelty done to children. He spoke up against child slavery and prostitution.

Though I have different theology with the Pope John Paul but humanly I see him as a leader, a good man who has make impact to the society in this world.

Yet the world must turn to one man that is Jesus Christ himself who is the mediator between God and man. And also His revealed Word in the Holy Bible. Even Mary, His earthly mother submit to Christ being her Saviour. Only in Christ can man be saved. Peace only comes through Christ alone. In Christ alone, can man find joy. He is the Way, The Truth and The Life and no one comes to the Father (the only Holy Father who art in heaven) except through Christ.

In Christ alone


Anonymous said...

Saya bekas biarawati dari Indonesia yang telah fokus pada Kristus, Tuhan Allah kita

Iman Kristen yang benar dan Sistem Katolik

Tatkala saya bersaksi kepada sahabat-sahabat Katolik dan keluarga, saya bisa melihat lebih jelas lagi bahwa tujuan akhir banyak jiwa dipertaruhkan disini. Saya sedih oleh jawaban mereka terhadap Alkitab, mereka terus percaya bahwa Gereja Katolik-lah gereja yang benar dan mereka mempercayainya sebagai jalan keselamatan walaupun Alkitab menyatakan lain. Dengan kata lain, mereka telah terbawa kepada pemikiran yang memperbolehkan manusia lain atau aturan yang dibuat oleh manusia mengarahkan hidup mereka.

Pada tahun 1545, Dewan Trent mendeklarasikan bahwa tradisi gereja memiliki otoritas yang sama dengan Alkitab. Membuat segala sesuatu sama atau diatas Sabda Allah adalah pemujaan berhala! Faktanya, "ragi" sistem Katolik mendiskreditkan Alkitab sebagai otoritas iman satu-satunya, absolut dan final.

Kita harus berpikir tentang Allah dengan benar karena Dia dinyatakan kepada kita melalui Sabda-Nya. Allah Bapa dan Allah Anak adalah satu. Dalam Yoh 10:30, Yesus berkata, "Aku dan Bapa adalah satu."

Oleh karena Yesus Kristus adalah Allah, dosa-dosa kita telah dihapuskan dalam darah Allah; hanya oleh darah Allah yang sempurnalah dosa-dosa kita dapat terhapuskan untuk memenuhi keinginan Allah yang suci dan benar. Dasar dari keselamatan saya atau dasar dari pembenaran saya adalah kebenaran sempurna Yesus Kristus, dan ketika saya, dengan iman, menerima penebusan dosa yang dilakukan Yesus atas diri saya sebagai bayaran penuh atas hukuman kematian saya, Allah mempertemukan kebenaran Yesus Kristus dalam diri saya. Yaitu, Dia memperhitungkan kebenaran saya.

Tidak ada jalan dimana saya benar oleh diri sendiri, dan karenanya, tidak ada jalan dimana saya selamat oleh diri sendiri; semuanya karena Yesus! Yesus Kristuslah kebenaran saya. Hanya dalam Kristus saya beroleh pembenaran. Saya tidak layak menghampiri Allah oleh keberadaan diri saya sendiri. Namun, ketika saya menghampiri Allah oleh yang menggantikan saya, yaitu dalam Kristus, maka saya diperhitungkan layak datang kepada Allah karena Dia memandang saya dalam kebenaran sempurna Anak-Nya!

Hawariyun said...

Boleh kah saudari ini memperkenalkan dirimu?

Leon Jackson said...

My Indon bro!